Gold Versus God

Question.jpgJohn Piper asks this question (Paraphrase), “Would you be satisfied in heaven with streets of gold, seeing all your friends and family, a big mansion, plenty of food, having all your tears wiped away, and being happy all the time… but God Himself wasn’t there?  Would heaven still be heaven without God?”

He suggests that most people would be satisfied.  But the truth of the matter is that heaven without God is not heaven, it is hell.  It is the presence of God that makes heaven, heaven… and it is the absence of God that makes hell, hell.  All God does when it comes to eternity is give people what they want now on earth.  He never sends anyone to hell against their will and no one is ever forced to go to heaven agaainst their will either.

Eternity is simply a contiuation of what people choose in this life… carried out to the maximum degree for all of time.  And that is why what we choose now is so important.  It exposes the inclination of our heart.  If a person chooses now to God Himself as their strength, joy, and life… God will honor that in eternity.  If a person chooses life apart from God now… He will also honor that for all eternity.

Thomas Watson (A Puritan Divine) wrote: “God never intended that we should dig happiness out of the earth which He cursed.”

Consider the following Scriptures.  Compare them to what you seek to bring joy into your life.  See if these texts expose an inclination in your life that… if carried out into eternity… would result in greater joy or deep sorrow.

  Psalm 16:5, “The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot.”

  Psalm 73:25, “Whom have I in heaven but You?  And there is nothing on earth I desire besides You.”

  Job 22:25, “The Almighty will be your gold and your precious silver.”

  Genesis 15:11, “The Lord came to Abram in a vision: ‘Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your very great reward.'”

  Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him.”

Where are you digging for gold?  What is the source of your precious silver?  Who (Or what) is your very great reward?  What do you look forward to most about heaven?

Prayers God Has Already Answered!

Have you ever considered the idea that there are some things we pray for that God has ALREADY given us?  Have you thought about the fact that there are times that God answers our prayer requests BEFORE we submit them to Him?

Reflect for a moment upon two passages of Scripture.  2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness…”  Isaiah 65:24Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking, I will hear…”

Reflections on 2 Peter 1:3a.  If this passages is correct (And it is), THEN… 

   I don’t need to ask God for grace, it’s already been given.  What I need to ask is for God to help me exercise the grace He’s already given me. 

   I don’t need to ask God for patience, it’s already been given.  What I need to ask is for God to help me apply the patience I already have. 

   I don’t need to ask God to increase my faith, He’s already given me faith.  I need to ask God to help me exercise the faith I already have (The amount isn’t important since even a mustard seed’s worth is powerful!).

   I don’t need to ask God to give me more wisdom, it’s already been given.  I need to ask God to help me apply the wisdom He’s already granted me.

   I don’t need to ask God to make me merciful, He’s already planted it in me.  I need to ask God to help me work out the mercy I already have.

   I don’t need to ask God for strength, His Spirit in me is all the strength I need.  I need to ask God to help me rely upon the strength that already resides in me because of His presence in my life.

   Reminder!  This does NOT mean we don’t pray… it means that we properly direct our prayers to be consistent with His Word… His gifts… and His presence in our lives!

Reflections on Isaiah 65:24.  If this passage is correct (And it is), THEN…

   I should have confidence that God can answer prayers retroactively (What?  Think about it!).  If He answers prayers BEFORE they are prayed, that is retroactive from the chronological time when I prayed.  After all… God exists outside time.  If you think about this too long your brain will overheat!

   I should be at peace at all times knowing God is anxiously ready to hear me when I pray.

   I should be free from worry since there is no doubt God hears me when I pray.

   I should be joyful because God is answering prayers as I pray them.  Aside… God is at work on an infinite number of levels in an infinite number of lives that all flow together in His time to culminate in our prayer being answered.

   I should be bold when I pray because of the promises of Isaiah 65:24.

   I should be constantly looking for answers to my prayers because God is always answering the prayers of those who cry out to Him!

The God who answers prayer is powerful!  His power is so great we can’t comprehend it (Read Ephesians 3:20)!  Take a little time today and reflect on the power of our God who answers prayer!

Reading The Puritan Divines

The test of whether or not a man’s writings are significant is if people are still reading them 300 years after being written.  My guess is that 98.9% of what is published today will not fit that category.

Richard Baxter.jpgI have decided to embark upon a reading plan that may sound odd to some.  I’ve decided to read the writings of men who have been dead for hundreds of years… the Puritan Divines (Pastors).  In particular I’ll be reading sermons written between the years 1659 to 1689.

Most people recoil from the Puritans because they think they are starchy, legalistic, frowning, and trying to take all the fun out of life.  But nothing could be further from the truth!  They were people who loved life… lived it to it’s fullest… were known to be gregarious and loved God supremely.  They were also some of the most practical teachers of the Gospel I’ve ever read!

Richard Baxter (Pictured right.  Imagine what people will say about pictures of us 300 years from now!) is one of the men I am currently reading.  The message is titled, “The Cure of Melancholy and Overmuch Sorrow.”  Translated, “How to Defeat Depression.”  And I must say it is some of the best advice I’ve ever read about how to get out from under an emotional black cloud!  Click here to read his message.

If you are looking for something of substance to feed your soul, mind, heart, and spirit… I suggest doing a Google search and reading some of the writings of men like: Richard Baxter, Cotton Mather, John Owen, and Thomas Watson.  Or you can go to The Hall of Church History and you will find a veritable cornicopia of writings for reflection and edification.

What these men wrote will require you to think as you read.  The way they write is different from our own and you’ll have to translate some of their grammar and words into our present day usage… but trust me… you will be blessed!

Evan Almighty

One of the blogs I read is  And it is one of the better blogs on the internet.  The author recently wrote a post about Evan Almighty that I thought was exceptionally well written.  I’ve cut and pasted the last paragraph of his article from a week ago to get the main point he makes.  You can read the whole article from the link above…

Evan Almighty.jpg

  But I think my greatest and overarching concern is this: this movie, like the one before it, makes light of our faith. When people walked out of Bruce Almighty I don’t think they had a greater and deeper understanding of God. They did not have greater love for and respect for Him. The genre simply could not bring so serious and important and biblical a message. Amidst all of the laughs and vulgarity there would simply not have been opportunity to really help people understand God better, despite the filmmaker’s attempts. And when people walk away from Evan Almighty they will not love God more. I don’t think they will have a greater understanding of the Bible. In fact, I suspect they’ll see the biblical story of the flood as being as fictional as this movie–a quaint plot but completely unrealistic and implausible. Mere fiction. This movie will not and cannot bring anyone closer to God. Rather, it will necessarily project a false image of God, a false understanding of Him. And we’re being told to watch this, to enjoy this, and to bring our families to see it so they can laugh with us.

  What was it Paul wrote several hundred years ago???  “Everything is permissable for me, but not everything is profitable!” (1 Corinthians 6:12)  I think that applies here…

  Going to the movie won’t make you the most horrible reprobate sinner in need of deep spiritual cleansing… but it very well might lead you into an attitude toward the faith that is less that appropriate.  So for me, there are better ways to spend my money, time, and energy than to be amused (Which means “not to think” by the way) by Evan Almighty. 

How To Pray For Your Children

4 Generations.jpgI had some interaction with a friend recently and we discussed how to pray for our chlidren.  Here’s what he told me that I believe to be great advice!  If it seems like something worthy of applying in your own prayer life, then get off the stinking internet and go pray (Snicker, wink)!!

Aside: All that is in italics is from my friend…

Try praying Philippians 1:9-11.  That is a prayer I go back to all the time.  It really contains everything (that we need to be praying for our children).  Pray that… 1) They will be filled to overflowing with insight; 2) They will be able to choose what is best; 3) They will be pure and blameless; 4) They will bring forth good fruit; 5) They will glorify God in all things.

When thinking about my boys, I have often prayed that they might be able to choose what is best in life.  That they will know… The good from the bad, the better from the good, and the best from the better.  I have translated that phrase in verse (9b) as, “That they will be able to make wise choices under pressure.”

No matter if your children are toddlers, teenagers, “grown and gone,” or you have grandchildren… those are good words worth putting into practice.

Now please excuse me… I need to go pray.

Freud, Sex, and The Gospel

Tim Keller.jpg  One of my favorite preachers is Dr. Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (PCA) in New York City.  Thursday I was listening to him discuss Potipher’s wife, Joseph, and what their encounter means in the present American context of sexual promiscuity.

  Here is a quote from the message…

  Freud said that spiritual longings are just frustrated sexual desires.  God says that sexual desires are frustrated spiritual longings (Think on that!  R.E.).

  Here’s what you need in the deepest depths of your soul… an ultimately beautiful person to look at you and say, “I find you beautiful and I give myself completely to you.  I give myself wholly to you.”  In the Gospel you have that.  Jesus, the ultimate beauty, says to you… “I’ve given myself to you!”  That’s what you need.

  I know there are single people here saying, “If I was only happily married, then I wouldn’t have any problem with sexual temptation.”  That’s not true.  I’m happily married, and I want you to know that the desire we have for an ultimate beauty… for ultimate love… is something that even the best married love cannot possibly satisfy.

  Unless you have the spousal love of Jesus… an exestential present constant reality in your heart… this unfulfilled desire will spill out into sexual temptation, no matter how happily married you are.

  But if you have Him (Jesus), if He is the great thing you desire, all the other desires in your heart will be properly ordered… they’ll know their place.

The Most Honest Prayer In Scripture…

  First, click here to read Mark 9:17-24.  You’ll find the prayer in verse 24…

  “I believe… help my unbelief!”  For me… right now… that is the most honest, and most desperate, prayer in Scripture (Okay… maybe after “What shall we do to be saved?”).  I write that today probably because I seem to spend so much of my life in that state… believing, yet needing help believing.

  A desperate dad pleads for help with his son who is possessed.  The spirit had made the child mute (17), would throw him to the ground causing foaming at the mouth… grinding his teeth… making him rigid (18), and often cast him into the fire or water to destroy him (22).  Can you imagine if that was YOUR child??

prayer  He had asked Jesus’ disciples to cast the demon out, but they couldn’t (18b).  As a last resort he says to Christ, “If you can do anything, have compassion and help us” (22).  The statement is filled with desperate hopeful doubt.  He believed… he wanted to believe… but the situation was so grim he wasn’t sure if anything could be done.

  Jesus’ reply was, “If you can!  All things are possible for one who beleives” (23).  And that is when the dad said, “I believe; help my unblief!” (24).  The dad did believe…. but there was part of him that was unsure, that didn’t believe.  The second most honest prayer in Scripture may be… “I believe; help my unbelief!”

  I believe… God can protect my family, but at times I struggle.  I believe… God can bring awakening, but sometimes I wonder if He will.  I believe… God can make my children Godly, but life is tough on them.  I believe… God controls everything, but I see so much chaos.  I believe… God can use me for the Kingdom, but I’m afraid of what He might require of me.  I believe… everything in my life is for God’s glory and my good, but what happens day to day is hard to understand.  I believe… God can do more than I imagine (Eph 3:20), but there are times I have fear.  I believe… fill in the blank for yourself.

  Benjamin Franklin wrote, “God helps those who help themselves.”  And he was wrong.  If anything, God helps those who are at the end of their rope.  He helps those who can’t do anything… know they can’t do anything… and are crying out to Him for help.

  There are probably some who might read this blog who need to get honest in their prayer.  So honest that they admit the thing they’re most afraid to admit… unbelief, doubt, insecurity.

  Whether you’re praying about a wayward child, a cheating spouse, a sick loved one… or one of a thousand other things, maybe it’s time you came clean before God.  Maybe it’s time you got honest with yourself and God.  Maybe you need to confess you deepest fear… unbelief.  And then admit that you (we, I!) have to rely on God for everything… INCLUDING faith and belief!

  And then maybe… just maybe… that is when you (We, I!) will experience God’s power!

Same God, Two Men, Same Prayer, Different Answers…

Dothan (Not Alabama) is where two men of God prayed.  Both prayed to the same God.  Both were in trouble when they prayed.  One was delievered, the other was not.

Genesis 37:17-24 with Genesis 42:21-22.  When Joseph was stripped by his brothers of all his clothes and thrown into a pit in Dothan, they ignored him.  It seemed that God ignored him too because he was not delivered from the pit, but sold into slavery… thus began about a two decade span of difficulty for Joseph.

2 Kings 6:13-18Elisha and his servant were surrounded by a large army.  The servant was afraid so Elisha prayed for God to open his eyes.  All around him there were angels in chariots of fire.  Then Elisha prayed and the army was blinded, thus Elisha and his servant were delivered.

Two men… two prayers prayed to the same God… one is answered, the other is denied.  Elisha was delivered, Joseph was not delivered but rather sold into slavery.

Something similar occurred in the New Testament.  The Church was praying for Peter to be delivered from prison (Acts 12:5-11) and he was.  Another time John The Baptist was in prision and his followers prayed for him.  But John was not delivered (In the way they expected) because he was beheadded.

Two men in prison… both faithful servants of God… one is delievered, the other is killed.

The answer?  God is God and we aren’t.  Just because we don’t see how something can be good doesn’t mean it isn’t good (Tim Keller).  God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts.

When we pray we are saying to God… “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” whether we realize it or not.  The Spirit prays for us with groanings too deep for words and when He prays it is always according to the will of God (Ro 8:26-27).  We don’t know how to pray… we don’t know what to ask for… we always pray selfishly.  But God is sovereign and will bring about His will… every time… in every situation.

That doesn’t mean we will always understand.  But it does mean that Jesus has promised never to leave or forsake us in the midst of our difficulty.  One day we will understand… we will see as God sees.  Till then we live by faith.  Till then we continue to pray.

As David said about his prayer for his child to be delivered from death (The child died) in 2 Samuel 12:21-23, “Then his servants said to him, “What is this thing that you have done? You fasted and wept for the child while he was alive; but when the child died, you arose and ate food.” 22 He said, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept, for I said, ‘Who knows whether the Lord will be gracious to me, that the child may live?‘ 23 But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me.” ESV

THAT is why we keep praying… we don’t know God’s will.  Thus we pray… we hope… we believe… we have faith… and we trust God for WHATEVER the outcome is that it will glorify Him and be for our ultimate good!

“I’m So Dizzy… My Head Is Spinnin'”

Dizzy 3.gif  That is the song by Tommy Roe from April 6, 1969 . And that pharase describes how I feel today… literally! You see, I have an inner ear problem called Ménière’s Disease. It is the result of fluid pressure that builds up in the inner ear that causes what people used to call vertigo.  When an attack hits, it can put you in your bed.

  The best way I can describe it follows: 1st, There is always a loud ringing in my ears called tinnitis. I’ve had it for at least 10 to 15 years and it is always there (Thus it is very hard for me to understand people talking in crowded places).  2nd, My head feels full (I say “I can feel my brain.”  I know that’s wierd, but it’s a good description.).  3rd, There is a constant feeling of being disoriented which can range from feeling a) light-headed to b) dizzy to c) sick.  I can function well with “a.”  I can do okay with “b.”  But when “c” hits I’m either in the bed or possibly the hospital.

  When my first attack hit a few years ago I thought I was dying.  I felt like I had been in the center of a kids playground merry-go-round for ten minutes and was trying to walk.  I couldn’t talk properly.  I couldn’t think straight.  I was not in control.  And nothing could make the dizziness go away.  I spent the next month on valium to depress my motor functions so I wouldn’t be throwing up constantly from the effects of the disease.  I used a cane to walk, couldn’t drive, and had to preach sitting down (One guy warned if I brought out the Kool Aid he was leaving!).

Dizzy 2.jpgThe cure?  I went to a Dr. Pappas in Birmingham, AL. who surgically put three injections of steroids directly on my inner ear.  Six weeks later all the symptoms were gone… except for the ringing.  Now I have bouts ever so often.  I’ve noticed when the barometric pressure changes dramatically (Like today with the rain), it gets much worse for a little while.  Thus I keep Antivert {Meclizine, 25 mg} close at hand (A pharmicist suggested that benadryl works just as well).

Lessons?  For me here are a few: 1) You don’t ever know when your life will change because of factors beyond your control.  2) Enjoy each day God grants you to it’s fullest.  3) Stay away from caffine and salt… exercise and lose weight.

The pictures included on this post are there for a reason.  If you look at them long enough, you start to feel just a little of what a person with Meniere’s feels like all the time.  Disoriented… confused… and maybe a little sick.  If you know someone who has symptoms similar to what I’ve described, suggest that they read what is contained on the link at the beginning of this post.

This has been a Public Service Announcement…

What’s Wrong With The Prosperity Gospel

I am thankful to my friend Ryan Whitley who suggested watching a video… and I’m glad I did.  This is a short 3 minute clip from Dr. John Piper about the danger of the prosperity gospel.  There’s no need to explain what the prosperity gospel is… Dr. Piper will describe it and you can hear it most any night on television. This presentation reminds us of the importance of knowing what the Gospel really is so we can identify heresy… and expose it.

Mrs. Graham’s Request To Die…?!

Those who read closely about the passing of Mrs. Graham noticed that her death was hastened by her own request.  This quote is from the Fox News report, “Ruth Graham has been bedridden for months with degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck and underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago.  At her request, and in consultation with her family, she had stopped receiving nutrients through a feeding tube for the last few days, Ross said.”

There was a comment to my post on June 14 about Mrs. Graham’s passing that I believe deserves addressing.  The question was… “Are you okay with her asking to have her feeding tube removed so she could die? Just wondering what your thoughts are on this type of death.”  What follows are a few thoughts…

First… The concepts of Active and Passive euthanasia come from Dr. Norman Geisler’s book “Christian Ethics,” Baker Books: Grand Rapids, MI. pages 157-172.

Second… I admit that this is a delicate topic that is not easily solved.  My suggestion is that those who read this and contemplate what is written should study the Scripture… seek God through prayer… and carefully come to their own conclusion that is supported by God’s Word (Romans 14:5b, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 1 John 4:1).

There are two kinds of euthanasia, Active and PassiveActive is when deliberate acts are taken to end human life.  It can be performed by the person or someone else.  In the former case it is suicide and in the latter it is homicide.  It can be with or without consent.  Active euthanasia produces death.

Passive euthanasia allows death to occur.  It may or may not be morally wrong depending on whether death results from withholding natural means necessary for sustaining life or from withdrawing unnatural means of resisting irreversible sickenss.  Withholding natural means would be to not give a person water and nourishment needed to sustain life (In many cases this would be immoral).  Withdrawing unnatural means would be stopping nourishment through a feeding tube or I.V. fluids (Given certain situations, this is acceptable.).

In my understanding of what took place, the Graham family followed the passive route.  They (Mrs. Graham in consultation with her family) chose to withdraw unnatural means that was sustaining her life (Feeding tube and possibly an I.V.).  Thus the natural course of events took place which was that she passed from this life into glory.  This is similar (But not the exact same) as a living will that includes a D.N.R. (“Do Not Resuscitate”) request.

Notice closely that this was NOT an event anywhere near to what Dr. Jack Kevorkian was convicted of several years ago (Physician assisted suicide), nor was it what took place with Terri Schiavo when a judge ordered her feeding tube to be removed and water withheld.  In both of those instances active euthanasia was implemented and were immoral.

The Graham family made a very difficult decision, but one that they all made together… including Mrs. Graham.  Personally (Not that it matters any), I believe they made their decision in a manner that honored God, His Word, and kept intact the dignity of the family.  This decision follows the recent dedication of Dr. Graham’s library in which he had many kind words for his wife (Click here). 

The Graham family has shown how Philippians 1:27 is lived out in all times of life.

Update: Sunday June, 17, 2007.  Click Here.

     Philippians 1:21-24, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me.  Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.  I am hard pressed between the two.  My desire is to depart and be with Christs, for that is far better…” 

     Luke 16:22, “The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side…”

     1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, “But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others who have no hope.  For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep.  For this we say to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.  For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangle, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.  And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.  Therefore encourage one another with these words.” (ESV)

Ruth Bell Graham… Now With Jesus

Ruth Bell Graham.jpg  Ruth Bell Graham, wife of Billy Graham, died today at 4:05 PM EDT at her home surrounded by her husband and five children.  She was 87 years old.  She suffered a long and dibilitating illness that eventually ended her life.  Aside: See the video on tomorrow’s post regarding pain and suffering.

  Without Ruth Bell Graham there would not have been a Billy Graham.  Every message he preached… every book he wrote… every president he counseled was made possible by a godly wife and mother.  The children were raised to a great extent by their mother as Dr. Graham proclaimed the Gospel around the nation and world.

  God’s greatest gift to Billy Graham (After salvation) was his wife of many decades.  In fact, I would say that every minister of the Gospel knows quite well that they could not do what they do in ministry without the support, love, and prayers of their own wife.  I too know that very well.

  What follows is a quote from Dr. Graham from Fox NewsRuth was my life partner, and we were called by God as a team. No one else could have borne the load that she carried. She was a vital and integral part of our ministry, and my work through the years would have been impossible without her encouragement and support.  I am so grateful to the Lord that He gave me Ruth, and especially for these last few years we’ve had in the mountains together. We’ve rekindled the romance of our youth, and my love for her continued to grow deeper every day. I will miss her terribly, and look forward even more to the day I can join her in Heaven.”

  Our prayers are with Dr. Graham and their children Virginia “Gigi”, Anne, Ruth, Nelson Edman “Ned”, and Franklin.